Sofiski's Adventures

10 Sept 2006

08/ Guyane Francaise, here I come!

...I left Paris quite knackered at 6am, with hardly any sleep, my mum and Philippe drove me to the airport... I think we were even too tired to be emotional!
Then Gilou came right to the waiting lounge, as she has a SPECIAL pass, yes sir, because she works for ADP (Aeroports De Paris)... Awesome!
So we waited together, and then it was time.

The plane was one huge monster, one of those with 3 alleys of people.
I slept most of the 8 hrs. Did a bit of work, tried to practice my Portuguese in my head (...sim senhor!) and then we were there!

For those of you who still don't know where it is that I have travelled to, here is a quick map: (I'm in Cayenne)

...First thing that struck me: mostly everyone was Black! And that's a first for me: I've never lived somewhere where white people are a minority! (if you don't count Dalston!!!)
Paradoxically, the person who picked me up is white! His name is Patrick and he's the neighbour of Sylviane who has been my hostess of the mostess for the past week!

So we drove to MONTJOLI, where we then met with Sylviane at her house.

My bed:

Morning after, I join Patrick by his swimming pool.

He's very good with DIY and all, you kinda have to be out here...
...Me under the glaring sun...

I then set up my computer on the terrace (Patrick's house in the background):

The terrace:

The view:

Off to the market...
Sylviane looking very glam

Patrick picking up a chair to do some "recup"

The market, with its beautiful colours and smily people:

Another day, we went to the beach, which is 2 mins away from the house:

This strange fruit is called a "Couzou"... taste a bit like passion fruit...

Teachers working very hard:

Sylviane made those glasses: see, teachers are very inventive!

A beautiful house

A silly doggy

Patrick in front of his house:

Sylviane's house:

Patrick showing me a coconut tree flower

...Sylviane's shoe collection:


...Went for a bike ride, after reassembling THE bike, VERY hot!
You pass a lot of these dudes who sell watermelon on the road:

Ace kitsh advertising for a garage:

Sweet little house:

The lady from the sweet little house, Mrs Acapa and her dog Canelle:

The view from Mrs Acapa's house:

And a little handpainted road sign:

Love it...!

And finally, today, Saturday 10th September,we went to "Fourgasier" 1hr away from Cayenne, in the Natural Parc of Roura... Nice and refreshing...
(photos are crap though, because my batteries were dying)

I love posing...

I'm off to Salvador de Bahia on Monday!
My itinary is: Cayenne / St Georges by taxiCo (minibus) then cross the river in a small pirogue boat in 10 mins to Oiapoque in Brazil, then catch a 4X4 ride to Macapa where I will stay the night. And then I fly from Macapa to Salvador via Belem and Fortaleza...

Should be fun! I arrive in Salvador on 13th at 6PM where I'll be hooking up with Michelle. Til then XXX