Sofiski's Adventures

23 Nov 2006

17/ Touristy views

Doing a bit of the tourist thang, to show you what it looks like ou there:

Terreiro de Jesus, where all the tourists hang out. Took this at 4am, when theyre still sound asleep

Barbalho, the barrio next to where I live. This is a shop where they sell...electrical goods

Monday was the "DIA DE CONSCIENCA NEGRA", a kinda "Black History day"... There was a big street hangout, with sound systems and all... This was up my street:


16/ FESTA time!

Well! did a small festa this weekend! (kinda for my birthday)

Started by doing some small decorations "mexican style"

Sabado, 2pm, churrasco time, but first water games:

Matteo and Marcello

Marcello warming up


Close up of... Alice or Beatrice???

Yours trully!

Mr Lewis!

Paolo and Rui

Rui rootsing it all the way

Fernando, a man of many talents


Slam cutting it fine

The host!

Eli and Marcello


Friends of Eli (cant remember their names)

Egs Crew (visit their site here: EGSCREW)

Aleisha and Californian girl (forgot your name too! soz)

Fernando, Paolo and Josh

The day after, I got up after everyone (yeay, didnt have to clean up!!! ehehe) and found meat being cooked, cervejas being drunk, and all the rest til I passed out again...
View from my terrace

Navarro, Eli's neighbour...No comment (though the look on the menina's face says it all!!!)